Saturday, 27 April 2013

New Diet Plan

Hi guys
I have decided to start yet  another Diet You guys are properly sick of hearing about it but I said id share anyway! 
I'm going on holiday in about eight weeks so I decided to have that be my motivation 

My friend went to a weight loss clinic and lost ten stone however it was really expensive to go I just couldn't afford to do it 
 however she helped me with a basic diet she followed  to loose the bulk of her weight 


Handful of mushrooms 
Half a tomato 
Turkey rasher 
One boiled egg 
I slice of wholemeal toast 

Mid morning 
Cup of tea with two Mc vities Breakfast 
porridge oat biscuits 

I make my own soup its only 50 calories per bowl 
5 Finn crisp 
two slices of ham 
I know the colour is crazy but its just because its made up of all green veg!

After noon snack 
I have the same as my mid morning snack I might some times swap the tea for a bottle of water or coke zero 

Chicken and half a ton of green veg's 
I love sprouts, green beans and broccoli and I drizzle some sweet chili  sauce over everything and its so yummy and filling
Part of the diet is to having an after dinner snack put I'm so full I skip it 
 Hope you guys food that interesting 
C-ya soon xxx